Hello Parents of Teens!


I’m Cheryl --  a teen therapist, parent coach and mom.

I help parents stop bickering and foster a deeper connection with their teenagers, creating the foundation of a healthy relationship that lasts long beyond these teen years.

Your child has grown by leaps and bounds since they were a toddler — both physically and emotionally. They have entirely new interests, new friends, new skills, new obstacles and new goals.

So why would you expect the parenting tools and techniques you’ve been using all of these years to keep working? Your parenting needs to grow and evolve along with your child.

Parenting a teenager requires a new approach.


3 Ways to Get Started...

Jumpstart a Stronger Connection with your Teenager!


Download the FREE 10-Day Connection Guide full of tips, insights and strategies for improving your relationship with your teen.



Find Support for your Teen's Mental Health

This FREE Resource Guide is designed to help parents answer important questions about finding the right mental health support for your teenager, like:

  • What kind of therapy should I look for?

  • How do I find a therapist?

  • What if my teen refuses help?

and many more.



Get my favorite tips for building a solid foundation of communication, connection and boundaries as your child enters Middle School.


Hi, I'm Cheryl Somers

Teen Therapist, Parent Coach, Mom


For nearly 3 decades now --first as a Middle School teacher, then a teen therapist -- I have always been fascinated by teenagers.

Yes, they are difficult sometimes. And, yes, they can be emotional and immature and impulsive. But they are also so interesting, and insightful, and thoughtful, and generous.

Over the course of these years working with teens I learned something important: Teenagers aren’t on a mission to be difficult! They aren’t trying to make life hard for you. They aren’t being stubborn, or lazy, or volatile on purpose. Instead, they are growing, and learning and developing, and falling down and getting back up and learning some more.

I want to share what I've learned from 30 years of working with teens and raising 2 daughters who are now young adults.

I’m ready and eager to help you enjoy a happier, healthier relationship with your teenager!

Find the parenting tips, strategies and insights you're looking for on the TEENS WHO THRIVE podcast:

Episode 15: Loosening the Reins in Middle School

Episode 16: 3 Tips to Stop Doing Too Much for your Teenager