Teen Mental Health Resources: A Guide for Parents

Finding the right help for your teen's mental health struggles can be confusing and overwhelming.  

This free guide is designed to help you make sense of the options and take action toward getting your teen the support they need!

Teen Mental Health Resources:

A Guide for Parents 

is a comprehensive roadmap to help you navigate the unique challenges of parenting a teen who struggles with their mental health.

More than anything I want you to know that you are not alone.  Many parents just like you are facing the daunting task of identifying their teen's mental health issues, finding the right support and learning how to navigate this new season of parenting.

This guide is here to provide you with a starting point on your journey.  I've included important knowledge, skills and strategies to help you on your path to supporting your teen's mental wellness.

If you are a parent of a teen who is struggling with their mental health and you find yourself:

  • Struggling to understand what is happening to your teen.
  • Trying everything and feeling like nothing is working.
  • Worrying that you are losing the relationship you once had with your teen.
  • Wanting help and support around navigating this new journey.

Then you're in the right place.

This guide was created for parents like you who are looking for support, solutions and a deeper understanding of teen mental health.


Here's What You'll Find Inside:

Signs of Distress

Learn the important warning signs of anxiety, depression and self-harm and when it might be time to seek help.

Finding the Right Support

Get tips and strategies for navigating the mental health world and finding the right support for your teen.

Getting your Teen Onboard

Get tips for encouraging a reluctant teen to give therapy a try.

Making the Most of Therapy

Learn my favorite strategies for having a successful therapy experience and achieving valuable results.

Get your FREE Teen Mental Health Guide HERE

I'm Cheryl, a licensed teen therapist and parent coach.

I help parents just like you navigate the world of teen mental health to bring JOY and CONNECTION back to your relationship.

After working with teens for decades - first as a teacher and then as a teen therapist -- my own teenage daughter was diagnosed with Anxiety and I found myself on an entirely new journey as  parent.

Navigating mental health struggles with my daughter was a huge challenge, even with a background in mental health and decades of experience working with teens.  I could only imagine how parents in this situation but without my background might be feeling.

Now that my daughter is a young adult who has learned to live a full and happy live while managing her anxiety, I am on a mission to help other parents.  I have seen first-hand how scary and overwhelming it can be to find your teen the help they need and adjust your own relationship, communication and expectations as you try to support your teen the best you can.

I firmly believe that with the right knowledge, support and skills, parents can not only survive the turmoil of teen mental health challenges, they can learn to truly thrive.  Always remember, you are not alone.  Parenting a teen through mental health challenges requires a new approach, and with the right skills and support I am confident will find your way through it.

Get your FREE Teen Mental Health Resources GUIDE